Euphoric Field is my personal fansite dedicated to the anime series Ef: A Tale of Memories and Ef: A Tale of Melodies.
Euphoric Field is a non-profit experimental fansite that aims to promote the Ef anime titles.
TITLE: resume the whatever
DATE: Tuesday, September 22, 2015
I want to be productive right now and I sent resumes to four different places. I'm keeping myself positive right now and I hope things go well. I'm saving money for Christmas and for people's birthdays. They're kind of expecting gifts from me. Is that a bad thing? I don't think it is.

Boo! Boo to productivity!
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DATE: 5:49 PM
TITLE: somewhat, right?
DATE: Friday, March 28, 2014
So we've managed to create an app, me and a partner. It's getting a little bit addicting. And I don't mean playing, but creating game apps. It makes me think if I should pursue this as a full time. As of now, we're still not making much, but I'm having fun. Is this considered as a means of escapism?

By the way, why are you still up? 
I could ask you the same.
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DATE: 3:37 AM
TITLE: happy single's awareness day!
DATE: Friday, February 14, 2014
Sigh. Makes me so mad everytime it's singles awareness day. I'm a good man! I'm not hard to please! I care for other people! I don't know why I don't have a girlfriend yet! Is it because of my preference? Is it because of my high standards? Well, I wouldn't just pick anyone to be my girlfriend, nor a girl would pick anyone just to be her boyfriend. Right? There's 7 billion of people in the world. There has to be someone for me. I'm also not the type of person that would wait. I'm an active guy. I hunt. I just can't figure out why there's no fish that's biting.
This just in, the game called Floppy Byrd just got removed from the apps store. Apparently, the creator just didn't want to get bothered by the hate he's having. Hey, if he's the creator of the game, what he says goes. If he wants a simple life, and if the game gives him a headache instead, then he should remove the cause of his headache. He says that the game creates problems instead of providing fun. I'm also happy because it means that I have a chance to create my own stupid fun game. I'm a simple man too. I just want to make a fun game, how stupid and simple playing it. Also, if I were to create a game, I'd prefer that it would make me smile instead of giving me a headache. It's what's most important.

Valentine's is overrated, man. 
Says the guy who's enjoying it right now.
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DATE: 6:13 PM
TITLE: table flap
DATE: Thursday, February 6, 2014
The first videogame that I created was a flop. Speaking of flop, there's this app called Floppy Byrd that's become a recent craze. It's a dumb game, but it's selling. When I tried it, I shook my head wondering why people play this game. It's sheer torture. Perhaps they want a challenge or they want stupid fun. It's hard to control the bird and avoid the blue pipes, but it's addictive because the aim of the goal is simply have the highest score or the highest openings that you went through. Players control make the bird 'flap' its wings by tapping on the screen. But you have to time it properly in order to avoid the pipes and fly through the space between them.
I created an elaborate RPG with a solid story backing it up, but no one wanted to play it. You can only imagine my disbelief being outdone by such a stupid game. What's scary is that I'm having thoughts of giving in to these 'stupid' games market. I don't know if I'll be making a stupid fun game. I don't know if Floppy Byrd is even fun. I just think that they play it so they can brag their high score, because they know how to time the tapping on the screen. If I want something to work in my videogame venture, I'd have to explore something similar to Floppy Byrd. I guess I'm just bitter.

It's useless to fight it. Join us!
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DATE: 10:37 AM

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